Home Alone For The Holidays? For Some…A Blessing; For Others…A Curse; Many Turn To Tech For Diversion

2.3 Million Californians will be spending Christmas by themselves and they might be the lucky ones.

About 25% of Californians will be alone on Christmas Day, free to decide what to eat, when to eat, when to get out of bed.

Not having to deal with a pouting partner, a sassy spouse or ingratiating in-laws.

So online-solitaire.com surveyed 4-thousand people to find out what they would do with their free time on Christmas Day.

Perhaps no irony, 26% of respondents said they would do Online gaming. 

19% would sit around binging on movies. 15% would enjoy hobbies or cooking, while only 11% would volunteer to help someone else.   8% would read.  6% would find internet chat rooms.



White computer keyboard.

Photo from Alpha Media USA Portland OR