Time To Submit A Bid On How To Mitigate Bad Air Quality In The Desert

Nonprofit organizations and agencies are invited to apply for funds aimed at addressing air-quality challenges in the Coachella Valley.

The Desert Healthcare District & Foundation has allocated up to $1 million through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process for “Mitigating Air Quality Related Health Conditions,.”

 The RFP is the culmination of three reports the District & Foundation commissioned on environmental health, leading the Board to elevate environmental health as a high priority in its strategic plan and to establish an environmental health initiative.

Explore more about the RFP. Applicants are also required to attend a bidders meeting on October 1st 2024.  Learn more at www.dhcd.org

The Desert Healthcare District & Foundation is also host a Health Desert, Health You Summit on Friday Sept 20th and Sat Sept 21st 2024 to discuss options to mitigate the bad air quality in the desert every time the wind blows.  Grab a seat at www.healthydeserthealthyyou.com

Alleviating blowing sand and dirt will be difficult as there is plenty of open desert in the Coachella Valley,  and along with an effort to replace grass with desert landscaping with grass to conserve water, and the age-old practice of scalping the lawn every autumn.


Sand being blown across a desert road

Photo from Alpha Media Portland OR