Phoenix Man Gets Lenient Sentence For Gun Smuggling; 41 Charges Dropped After He Cops Plea Deal

A 22 year old man from Phoenix can celebrate the fact that most of the gun charges leveled against him have been dropped, after he got busted running guns from Arizona to California.

He could up serving just 2 years in jail, after being pulled over near Chiriaco Summit back on July 1st while driving a car loaded with guns.

How many guns?  29… all of them illegal.  27 of those guns were assault rifles.  On 15 of those weapons, the serial numbers had been filed off, making the guns, ghost guns, hard for law enforcement to track.

But a lenient plea deal led to 41 charges being dropped against Alexis Ayala Molina.


Person’s hands holding prison bars.

Photo from Alpha Media Portland OR