New Director Of Entertainment Takes Over At Agua Caliente Casinos

Agua Caliente Casinos has hired a new Director of Entertainment.

He is Nick Sitar.

He has been Regional Director of Entertainment Programming at Caesars Entertainment and Entertainment Manager at Harrah’s Resort in Southern California.


Agua Caliente Casinos is also the new Official Presenting Sponsor of the Coachella Valley Scorpions professional pickleball team.

So watch for meet and greets with the players, watch parties and pickleball clinics.

This comes as Actor Vince Vaughn comes aboard as majority owner of the Scorpions.

The team has a 12 and 6 record so far this season with one more weekend left in the regular season, September 13-15 in Houston, then on to Championship Weekend October 17-20.  Follow the team at



Agua Caliente Casinos New Entertainment Director Nick Sitar Aug 21st 2024

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Briawna Meier via Sam Threadgill, Scoop Marketing for Agua Caliente Casinos Palm Springs CA