McDonalds Going 100% Green…By 2050…About 3 Decades From Now

Predictions about the end of Planet Earth within the next 7 years, due to climate change are not being taken seriously by McDonald’s.

Because McDonald’s is going green, completely green.

The fast food giant set a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

But it won’t get there until 2050.  Which is nearly 3 decades for now, and well after progressive forecasts of pending doom for Planet Earth long before then.

In announcing the change to all green, McDonald’s says it is partnering with the nonprofit group Science Based Targets initiative to help revamp its climate change focus.

McDonald’s President and CEO says the goal is to help every community they serve lessen the impacts of climate change and adapt for the future.

There are no specifics yet as to what that actually involves.


Recycle symbol made from water, leaf and cloud sky.

Photo from Alpha Media Portland OR