Getting Past Failed Relationships
Ladies, gentleman, from the Just Get Over It Dept, we checked in with to see how long it takes for people to get over it, when their relationship fails.
On Average, in California, men recover from a breakup in 12 weeks. Women, 15 weeks.
In New York, women also take 15 weeks to move on, but New York men only take 5 weeks.
Oregon men take breakups much harder, taking 18 weeks on average to recover. Idaho women also need about 18 weeks to move on.
49% of people surveyed turn to family and friends for help after a breakup, 26% focus on work and hobbies, 12% hit the gym, 4% head to the couch in the counseling office, and 2% book a trip out of town.
Two pieces of a felt broken heart are hanging by clothespins on a line, signifying a broken heart.
Photo from Alpha Media Portland OR